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  • Consulting

Study of the underground environment

  • Skills Protocol proposal, multidisciplinary field expertise
  • Terminé 2022-2023
  • Location Walloon Region
Photo Grottes image00007
  • 3 partners: Ecofirst, Commission Wallonne d'Etude et de Protection des Sites Souterrains and Maison de la Spéléologie et du Patrimoine Souterrain
  • 8310 is the habitat code targeted
  • 5 test caves

Our mission is to develop a methodology for assessing the conservation status of the Natura 2000 habitat "Natural caves not open to public" (8310), and to propose a protocol for monitoring this habitat in Wallonia.

Three partners (Ecofirst, MaSePaS and CWEPSS) are pooling their skills and expertise to achieve this goal: speleology, cave fauna inventory (with morphological and DNA identification), abiotic parameter monitoring, hydrogeology, assessment of threats to the underground environment, etc.

The Public Service of Wallonia (DNF-DEMNA) entrusted this project to us via a public marcket as part of the BNIP integrated LIFE project.

Our expertise at the service of this project:

  • Fieldwork in the caves, collection of biological material, identification of arthropods, collection of physicochemical measurements: JF. Godeau and P. Nyssen
  • Bibliography, drafting of methodology: JF. Godeau and P. Nyssen
  • Constitution of databases: JF. Godeau
  • Project coordination with partners and authorities: P. Nyssen

For further information:

- (FR) Nyssen, P. et al. 2024. What prospects do DNA analyses offer for assessing the conservation status of caves? EcoKarst 135

- (FR) Nyssen, P., Godeau, J.-F. 2023. Underground environment studies