- Consulting
- Management plan
- Consulting
Dynamic and sustainable forest management
- Skills Forestry expertise and analysis
- Completed 2021-2023
- Location Wallonia: municipalities of Stoumont, Stavelot, Malmedy
- 3 municipalities: Stavelot, Stoumont and Malmédy
- 29.400 ha of supra-municipal territory
- 17.000 ha of forest on this territory
The 3 municipalities of Stoumont, Malmedy and Stavelot joined their forces in a supra-municipal territorial management project. It aims to boost the sustainable management of their forests. This ambitious project is named (in French) "Collectif Forêt".
Ecofirst assisted the municipalities in the creation of a project sheet containing the main lines to be followed as well as an evaluation of the costs and deadlines. Once the project finalised and the financing secured, Ecofirst was mandated to ensure its implementation and the coordination of the project in collaboration with the concerned municipalities.
Various actions are undertaken in several development axis:
- 1 The first part of the project focuses on forest monitoring and the possibility to react to events of a health crisis.
- 2 A second point concerns the local use of wood.
- 3 A third axis is aimed at forest renewal and support for owners towards sustainable forestry.
Our expertise at the service of this project :
- Project coordination : L. Coquelet
- Consultation with stakeholders in the timber industry: B. Tahir
- Chairing meetings of the Collectif Forêt : B. Tahir
- Co-organisation of communication events : B. Tahir
- Support for the creation of the « GAL Fagnes Haute-Amblève » : B. Tahir
- Reporting : B. Tahir