- Consulting
- European projects
PADDLe project
- Skills Research Project, Management Partnership Audit
- Completed 2021-2024
- Location Belgium (Wallonia) and France
- 4 types of transport network involved: water, rail, road, electricity
- 8 case studies of management partnerships
- 3 partners involved in Belgium and France
The PADDLe project (PADDLe = Partenariats de gestion Durable des Dépendances vertes des infrastructures Linéaires de transport) is a 3-year research project (2021-2023) resulting from the 2020 call for research proposals conducted within the ITTECOP program (Transport Infrastructures, Territory, Ecosystems and Landscapes).
The objective is to study the partnerships established with third parties for the management of the green dependencies of 4 types of linear transport infrastructures: the railway network, the road network, the waterways and the high voltage electrical network. The study, carried out by INRAE, Gustave Eiffel University and Ecofirst, brings together researchers, sociologists, lawyers and ecologists.
After identifying exemplary case studies, a field visit to the sites is planned in order to establish an ecological diagnosis, a technical and economic viability study, a legal study of the partnership agreements and finally, a study of the psychological factors of change. At the end of the process, exchange workshops will lead to the validation of the identified sustainable partnership models.
Our expertise at the service of this project :
- Ecological diagnosis of study sites: JF. Godeau and P. Nyssen
- Project follow-up and contacts with partners: JF. Godeau
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